Sound Healing for Stress Reduction with Jaime Lawrence

  • AUG 4 AT 3 PM – 5 PM EST
    1805 E Ganson St, Jackson

    Join us as Jaime from Harmony Garden Music Therapy Services offers a truly one-of-a-kind sound healing experience using a variety of instruments including crystal bowls, flute, hand pan drum, gongs, and more!

Sound Healing Event With Jaime Lawrence and Kimberly Joy Rieli

  • Join us as Harmony Garden Music Therapy Services and Singing For Your Soul combine their musical gifts to offer a truly one-of-a-kind sound healing experience!

    Sunday, June 2nd
    Sunday, August 4th
    Sunday, September 8th
    Sunday, November 3rd

    3-5 pm
    1805 E. Ganson St., Jackson, MI